What Do The Click Types on AdWords Segment Report Mean?

segment by click types

When you segment your report by Click Types on AdWords, it details which component of your ads were clicked on. Note that ads can be “attributed to multiple click types and thus, metric fields may be double-counted and thus totals may not be accurate”. The most common click types include Headline, Phone Calls and Sitelinks but there are actually 45 different click types across the various campaigns on AdWords.

Common Click Types

Headline: This is when users click on the headline on your search ad either on a mobile or desktop device.
Mobile clicks-to-call: This occurs when you’re using call extensions and and a user clicks on the phone number on your search ad when using a mobile devices.
Sitelink: This happens when you use sitelink extensions for your search ad and a user clicks on the sitelink either on a mobile or desktop device.
Driving Direction: If you’re using location extensions, your ad may be shown on the Google My Business Knowledge panel or on Google Maps. A user may then click on the “Get Directions” call-to-action.
Get location details: Similar to Driving Direction, if you’re using location extensions, a user may click on the “Get location details” call-to-action .
Price extension: If you’re using price extensions, any component of the extension clicked on counts as a click.

How many Click Types are there on AdWords?

There are about 45 different click types looking through Google’s AdWords API documentation.

  1. Headline
  2. Phone calls
  3. Other
  4. Product plusbox offer
  5. Sitelink
  6. Shopping ad - Standard
  7. Driving direction
  8. Print offer
  9. Breadcrumbs
  10. Manually dialed phone calls
  11. Mobile phone calls
  12. Get location details
  13. Show nearby locations
  14. App engagement ad deep link
  15. Shopping - Showcase - Category
  16. Shopping - Showcase - Local storefront
  17. Shopping - Showcase - Online product
  18. Shopping - Showcase - Local product
  19. Price Extension
  20. Video - Website
  21. Video - Call-to-Action overlay
  22. Video - App store
  23. Video - Cards
  24. Video - End cap
  25. Video - Click on engagement ad
  26. Location (Google Maps) - Map
  27. Location (Google Maps) - Go to landing page
  28. Location (Google Maps) - Go to store info
  29. Location (Google Maps) - Directions
  30. Location (Google Maps) - Call
  31. Location (Google Maps) - Text
  32. Location (Google Maps) - Image(s)
  33. Broadband Plan
  34. Wireless Plan
  35. Visual Sitelinks
  36. Promotion Extension
  37. Swipeable Gallery - Ad Headline
  38. Swipeable Gallery - Swipes
  39. Swipeable Gallery - See More
  40. Swipeable Gallery - Sitelink 1
  41. Swipeable Gallery - Sitelink 2
  42. Swipeable Gallery - Sitelink 3
  43. Swipeable Gallery - Sitelink 4
  44. Swipeable Gallery - Sitelink 5
  45. Swipeable Gallery - unknown

Admittedly, I haven’t seen a majority of these click types since I’ve been primarily focused on Search Ads. Particularly, I haven’t seen any information on Broadband Plan and Wireless Plan. And I’m not too sure on what Other and Unknown exactly mean.

If you know any of what the other click types mean, please give me a shout!

Neil Laborce.

Written on March 10, 2018